To compile you first patch, first you need to install pd4web
and python
. You can use a PureData patch or a Python package.
Pd Patch (Graphical Interface)
Simple Gui Interface to use pd4web
Python Package (Command Line)
Prefer the Command Line? Here's How
If you're comfortable with the command line, you can use the pd4web
package to compile your patches efficiently.
Set up in 10 seconds
Use pip to install the
package:pip install pd4web
Command Line Use
You will get a executable script called
.usage: <PureData Patch>
Run the command pd4web <PureData Patch>
to compile your patch. The options are:
--template <TEMPLATE_NUMBER>
: Specify the template number.--memory <MEMORY_SIZE>
: Specify the memory size in megabytes (MB).--clean
: Clean the output directory before compiling.--verbose
: Show verbose output.--nogui
: Do not show the GUI.--patch-zoom <ZOOM>
: Specify the patch zoom level.--debug
: Compile the website with debugging information.--run-browser
: Run browser (this will not compile the patch).