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To compile you first patch, first you need to install pd4web and python. You can use a PureData patch or a Python package.

Pd Patch (Graphical Interface)

Simple Gui Interface to use pd4web.

  • How to Install?

    To use the pd4web object in PureData, follow these steps:

    • Install PureData and Python (bottom of the page).

    • Open PureData.

    • Navigate to Help Find Externals.
    • Search for pd4web.
    • Click the Install button.
  • Gui Interface


Python Package (Command Line)

Prefer the Command Line? Here's How

If you're comfortable with the command line, you can use the pd4web package to compile your patches efficiently.

  • Set up in 10 seconds

    Use pip to install the pd4web package:

    pip install pd4web
  • Command Line Use

    You will get a executable script called pd4web.

    usage: <PureData Patch>

Run the command pd4web <PureData Patch> to compile your patch. The options are:

  • --template <TEMPLATE_NUMBER> : Specify the template number.
  • --memory <MEMORY_SIZE> : Specify the memory size in megabytes (MB).
  • --clean : Clean the output directory before compiling.
  • --verbose or -v : Show verbose output.
  • --nogui : Do not show the GUI.
  • --patch-zoom <ZOOM> : Specify the patch zoom level.
  • --debug : Compile the website with debugging information.
  • --run-browser : Run browser (this will not compile the patch).