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Supported Objects

This table presents an overview of all PureData externals supported by pd4web.

Library Name Health Not Supported Objects Numbers of Objects Main Dev
pd-else 🟢️ sfz~, sfont~ 509 Alexandre Porres
pd-cyclone 🟢️ coll 244 Alexandre Porres
earplug 🟢️ - 1 Dan Wilcox
convolve~ 🟡️ - 1 Willian Brent
timbreIDLib 🟡️ - 110 Willian Brent
pmpd 🟢️ - 30 Cyrille Henry
grainer~ 🟢️ - 1 Pablo Di Liscia
fftease~ 🔴️ - 33 Eric Lyon
Extra Infos
🟢️ = Well Tested

🟡️ = Tested

🔴️ = Initial Support

If there is some object of these supported libraries that not work, please report in Github.