Working with Images
With py4pd
you can display images inside PureData patches using Python, you can use the pd.show_image
method. This method is essentially a copy of the else/pic
object, but with an interface that allows you to easily show images from within your Python code.
Supported extensions
You can just use .png
, .gif
, and .ppm
image formats.
Bring scores to PureData.
import pd from random import randint import os try: from neoscore.common import * except Exception as e: pd.error(str(e)) pd.error( "Please, run 'pip install neoscore -t ./py-modules' in the terminal from current folder") def getpitchKey(pitch): note = { # natural 'c': ['c', ''], 'd': ['d', ''], 'e': ['e', ''], 'f': ['f', ''], 'g': ['g', ''], 'a': ['a', ''], 'b': ['b', ''], # sharp 'c#': ['c', 'accidentalSharp'], 'd#': ['d', 'accidentalSharp'], 'e#': ['e', 'accidentalSharp'], 'f#': ['f', 'accidentalSharp'], 'g#': ['g', 'accidentalSharp'], 'a#': ['a', 'accidentalSharp'], 'b#': ['b', 'accidentalSharp'], # flat 'cb': ['c', 'accidentalFlat'], 'db': ['d', 'accidentalFlat'], 'eb': ['e', 'accidentalFlat'], 'fb': ['f', 'accidentalFlat'], 'gb': ['g', 'accidentalFlat'], 'ab': ['a', 'accidentalFlat'], 'bb': ['b', 'accidentalFlat'], } return note[pitch] def chord(pitches): try: neoscore.shutdown() except BaseException: pass neoscore.setup() py4pdTMPfolder = pd.get_temp_dir() for file in py4pdTMPfolder: if file.endswith(".ppm"): try: os.remove(py4pdTMPfolder + "/" + file) except BaseException: pass staffSoprano = Staff((Mm(0), Mm(0)), None, Mm(30)) trebleClef = 'treble' Clef(ZERO, staffSoprano, trebleClef) staffBaixo = Staff((ZERO, Mm(15)), None, Mm(30)) bassClef = 'bass' Clef(ZERO, staffBaixo, bassClef) Path.rect((Mm(-10), Mm(-10)), None, Mm(42), Mm(42), Brush(Color(0, 0, 0, 0)), Pen(thickness=Mm(0.5))) for pitch in pitches: # in pitch remove not number pitchWithoutNumber = pitch.replace(pitch[-1], '') pitchOctave = int(pitch[-1]) pitchClass, accidental = getpitchKey(pitchWithoutNumber) note = [(pitchClass, accidental, pitchOctave)] if pitchOctave < 4: Chordrest(Mm(5), staffBaixo, note, (int(1), int(1))) else: Chordrest(Mm(5), staffSoprano, note, (int(1), int(1))) randomNumber = randint(1, 100) notePathName = py4pdTMPfolder + "/" + pitch + f"{randomNumber}.ppm" neoscore.render_image(rect=None, dest=notePathName, dpi=150, wait=True) neoscore.shutdown() if == 'nt': notePathName = notePathName.replace("\\", "/") pd.show_image(notePathName) ## HERE THE pd.show_image return None
Parameters Type Description arg1
Pathname for the image that will be showed.