
You can create your objects with Python. For the simplest, you define the Python Function and add it as an object using pd.add_object().

It is crucial to emphasize that when an object uses pd.add_object() it is added as an anything object. It implies that if your object functions with individual floats rather than lists, py4pd does not provide additional 'protection' for types. In such cases, you are responsible for managing these different types on your own. For more complex objects it is recommended to utilize pd.new_object().

  • Example

    It just returns a unique string with the pathname.

    import pd
    from src.thing import myFunction 
    def Py4pdLoadObjects():
        pd.add_object(myFunction, "mypyobj", 
                obj_type=pd.VIS, fig_size=(400, 200), 
                py_out=True, no_outlet=False)
  • Arguments

    Parameters Type Description
    arg1 Python Function Function that will be executed by the object.
    arg2 String String to create the object.
    Kwargs Type Description
    objtype pd The type of the object: pd.VIS, pd.AUDIO, pd.AUDIOIN, or pd.AUDIOOUT. Hiding this option will create a normal object.
    fig_size Tuple Sets the pixel size of the object. Example: figsize=(400, 200) creates an object with a width of 400 and height of 200.
    py_out Boolean Determines whether the output will be in PureData data types or Python data types. If set to Python, you can not use the data before the convertion to PureData with py2pd object.
    no_outlet Boolean Creates an object with no outlets if set to True.
    num_aux_outlets int Set the number of auxiliar outlets. If you use 4, it means that the object will have 5 inlets, 4 auxiliar and the main outlet (0).
    added2pd_info Boolean Prints the message "[py4pd]: Object {objectName} added." when set to True.
    help_patch String Personalized help patch, it always must be inside the help folder.
    ignore_none_return Boolean When True it ignores all things that return None.
    obj_image String Set the standard image for pd.VIS objects. When you create the object it will load this image.