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Pd Objs with Python

With the py4pd it is possible to create new PureData objects using just Python. For that, you need to declare your Python functions and then create a function called libraryname_setup or py4pdLoadObjects. Inside this function, for simple objects you can use pd.add_object, for more complex objects, with a lot of methods, you need to use the class returned from pd.new_object().

Before understanding the functions, if you want to create libraries we highly suggest the folder organization shown below.


The folder name must be the same as the .py file. In this example, it must be called libraryname,

├── help-patches/ # helpPatches
    ├── myfunction1-help.pd
    └── myfunction2-help.pd
├── src/
    ├── # you can organize/name this folder as you want, this is just one example.
├── resources/
    ├── imagetosomeVISobject.png # for pd.VIS objects, you can set standard images of png or gif.
    └── imagetootherVISobject.gif
├── # here we have the libraryname_setup() or py4pdLoadObjects().
├── README.deken.pd # If you upload it on Deken, this will open immediately after installation.
└── # Ordinary readme for Github.

See the some libraries in:

Basic Example

See the Python Code:
import pd
from src.setoffunctions1 import myfunction1
from src.setoffunctions2 import listmethod, floatmethod

def libraryname_setup():
    pd.add_object(myfunction1, "mysumObject")
    # simple objects, already it is possible to create mysumObject in Pd Patches

    # More complex objects
    myobj = pd.new_object("myobj") # create a class for the object
    myobj.addmethod_list(listmethod) # add method for lists
    myobj.addmethod_float(floatmethod) # add method for float
    myobj.add_object() # This call the function that make the object avaible in PureData patches.

Following this steps we have this patch: