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Messages and Debug

There are three messages used to print info in the PureData console, pd.print, pd.logpost and pd.error.


  • Example

    The ordinary function print() will not work in py4pd (unless you open PureData from the terminal). So if you want to debug or print some info from the PureData console you need to use pd.print.

    import pd
    def printInfo():
        # It prints "[Python] ok"
        pd.print("ok", show_prefix=False) 
        # It prints "ok".
  • Arguments

    Parameters Type Description
    arg1 Python Object Thing to print

    Kwargs Type Description
    show_prefix Python Object When False don't print prefix


    For Object written in Python, the prefix will be the Object Name.


  • Example

    This function uses logpost in C PureData API to log messages using levels. For example, if you use logpost(4, "PureData message in level 4"), the message will appear in the console just if the user had selected to show the messages of level 4 in PureData Console.

    import pd
    def printInfoLevel():
        pd.logpost(1, "Level 1") 
        pd.logpost(2, "Level 2") 
        pd.logpost(3, "Level 3") 
        pd.logpost(4, "Level 4") 
  • Arguments

    Parameters Type Description
    arg1 int Level to print (1-4)
    arg2 string Message to print


  • Example

    If you want to inform errors in PureData console use pd.error method. The message is printed in red.

    import pd
    def main(arg1):
            # some wrong arg here ????
            pd.error("This is a not " +
                     "valid operation!")
  • Arguments

    Parameters Type Description
    arg1 string Message of the error.



  • Example

    When using some functions as pd.show_image can be useful to know if a GUI is running. This function returns False when running PureData from the terminal using -nogui.

    import pd
    def thereisGUI():
        return pd.pd_has_gui()
  • Arguments

    There are no Arguments.


  • Example

    To set different default images for pd.VIS objects, you can use this function. It returns 1 when the patch is used without zoom and 2 when is used with zoom.

    import pd
    def getZoom():
        return pd.get_patch_zoom()
  • Arguments

    There are no Arguments.


These functions are used to retrieve information about the current object where the function is being executed.


  • Example

    Get the number of outlets of the object.

    import pd
    def get_out_count():
  • Arguments

    There is no args for this function.


  • Example

    Returns a list of all arguments used to create the object.

    import pd
    def get_out_count():
  • Arguments

    There is no args for this function.